15 Central Mountain Middle School teachers’ recipients in Subaru Adopt-a-Classroom program
MILL HALL, PA – Blaise Alexander Subaru selected the Central Mountain Middle School as this year’s recipient in its continuing Adopt-A-School program and Dave Kelley, general manager of the dealership in Montoursville, was on hand Monday to recognize 15 middle school teachers with gift boxes to help cover the cost of their teaching supplies.
Students from the classes of the selected teachers were brought to the Harold Adams gym to observe the recognition for the teachers. They filled the gym floor as each teacher was given a gift box with school supplies valued at $500 each. Kelley said it was Subaru’s way to try and make a difference. “We are giving back to the school system. We realize a lot of time in today’s world the average teacher is spending a lot of their own money in giving back to the student; that’s the way it is right now.”

Teachers were nominated by their peers and a drawing was held to determine the recipients, according to middle school principal Dave Peters. Those selected: Christina Onuskanich, Michelle Hoy, Megan Heggenstaller, Renee Serafini, Sara Strouse, Barb Davis, Jess Whipple, Michelle Dickens, Allyson Weikel, Cheyenne Redcay, Ashley Crust, Patricia Alexander, Tim Gill, Melissa Becker and Michelle Watson.
The Alexander visit to the middle school was the second in the car dealership’s continuing Adopt-A-School program, annually covering a school across central Pennsylvania.