Words of Grace

By Mahlon Nevel

Elijah was a mighty prophet, or was he? In II Kings 2:14 the question was asked, “where is the Lord God of Elijah?”
The profit was known for having a great and mighty God. What a mighty God is he!

Elijah was a mighty man of prayer, or was he? According to James 5:17, he was just a man who had the same passions that we have. The difference was, “he prayed.”

And he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain for three and a half years. He prayed again and it rained on the earth.

We have our weaknesses just like Elijah had his weaknesses, but we can pray for one another. Our fervent prayers can also be of much avail.

F.W. Davis writes about how somebody touched heaven for him in prayer.

“Once I was lost and away from my Lord, groping in sin and despair; Until someone who loved me and thought of my soul reached up and touched heaven in prayer.

What a wonderful Joy then flooded my soul! I was so happy and free, for Jesus had come and answered the prayer of the one who touched heaven for me.”



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