Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

When the Tabernacle was first built under the direction of Moses, it was called the House of God. God declared that his presence would be there.

Later, King Solomon led in the construction of the temple. Again, God promised that his presence would be there in his house.

It was said that when the people of the Lord went to the House of God to worship him, they were entering into his holy presence. They worship God by offering both thanksgiving and praise.

Psalm 100:4 commands: “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise.”

Thanksgiving and praise are not the same. We thank God for what he has done; we praise God for who he is.

It has been said by some that prayer is entering into the presence of God. They often begin their prayers with the words: Lord, we come into your holy presence.

If this is what prayer is, coming into the presence of God, then we need to begin with thanksgiving and praise.

We thank God for what he has done for us in the past, and then remember to praise him for who he is and what he is able to do for us now.

Hebrews 13:15 tells us to offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God through the Lord Jesus.



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