Halloween Hooskow time is back this weekend

MACKEYVILLE, PA – It’s back, the eighth annual Hooskow Chainsaw Carvers’ Festival, this Thursday through Saturday, Oct. 28-30, at the Clinton County Fairgrounds near Mackeyville.
More than 50 carvers are expected, from as close as Lamar, to as far away as Maine and Missouri. They’ll be carving from dawn to dusk each day, rain or shine. People are able to purchase their creations as they walk around the festival, and there will be a 2 p.m. auction Saturday under the main pavilion where people can bid on items submitted from each carver.
In addition to the carvers, there are food and craft vendors, live music, and more. Admission is $5 (age 16 & under are free). The event is sponsored by Saar’s Tree Service, LLC; Jeff Donoughe Chainsaw Carving; Restless Oaks Restaurant; and PAMP Printing. For more information, visit www.hooskow.com.