City okays first ARP funds for wastewater treatment plant project

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Lock Haven City Council has approved a proposal from city administration to use a portion of American Rescue Plan dollars for an improvement project at the city’s wastewater treatment plant.

Approval came Monday night at a 20 minute city council meeting. City manager Greg Wilson said the $73,863 project will enable “the communication of data electronically” at the plant. The work will be performed by Martz Technologies Inc. of Berwick.

It is the first use of the city’s $950,000 in the federal ARP funds. City administration is still working on a prioritized list for the remaining dollars. Council approval was unanimous.

Council also approved two people to fill vacancies on the city’s Code Enforcement Board of Appeals. They are Jim Russo, president of M & R Contracting and chair of the Clinton County Economic Partnership Operating Committee, and Tom Rossman, owner of Precise Electrical. It was noted appointees on the code board need not be residents of the city but have some expertise in code-related work.

Correspondence included word that the Clinton County Commissioners and SEDA-COG will be holding a public session for municipal officials from across the county relative to making use of the federal ARP dollars. That meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 14 at 6 p.m. at the county’s 911 center, 311 Frederick Street in Flemington.


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