Rally against Renovo Energy Center project scheduled for Saturday

Earlier artist’s rendering for REC project

RENOVO, PA – Opponents of the Renovo Energy Center project have announced a Saturday rally in opposition to the $800 million power plant proposal.

A group calling itself Renovo Residents for a Healthy Environment has circulated information on social media about the event, scheduled for 12 noon to 1 p.m. Saturday at the borough’s 16th Street Park. A group spokesperson in Lewisburg told therecord-online the rally will be informational in nature intended, she said, to make the public aware of the impact of “air pollution, light and noise” on the community.

She said Renovo Residents for a Healthy Environment was formed recently, its members going door-to-door in the community to express their environmental concerns.

The rally comes in the wake of word a month ago that environmental groups had appealed a May state Department of Environmental Protection go-ahead to the state Environmental Hearing Board. There has been no word so far on the status of any action by that state agency.

The rally spokesperson said there will be speakers at the Saturday event and an opportunity for questions from attendees, followed by a walk to the nearby proposed REC site on the north side of Renovo.

There has been relatively little local public opposition to the project expressed thus far. Last month saw multiple elected officials serving Clinton County, along with two economic development agencies, authoring a two-page letter in support of the pending project.

Signatories to the letter offering “strong support” included the Clinton County Commissioners, elected Renovo officials, Clinton County Economic Partnership President Mike Flanagan, state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz and state Sen. Cris Dush.

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