Elected, economic development officials offer renewed support for Renovo Energy Center project

LOCK HAVEN, PA -Multiple elected officials serving Clinton County, along with two economic development agencies, have authored a two-page letter in support of the pending Renovo Energy Center project.
There have recently been some “negative” comments about the planned Renovo Energy Center project in various media and social media outlets. Some environmental-related groups have decided to appeal the recent action by the state Department of Environmental Protection to issue a plan approval. We, the undersigned, feel it is important to relay some facts about the project and to reiterate our strong support.
*REC’s two-unit, Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) project will use the latest, most advanced combustion turbine and emissions-control technology available today to deliver a clean source of base load electricity. Base load capacity is a crucial component in enabling the further buildout of intermittent renewable generation, such as solar and wind.
*There has been a variety of claims that REC’s emissions will lead to a deterioration in the state’s air quality, all of which assume that when a new power plant is constructed there are no corresponding retirements of existing generation units. Given the prolonged, flat trend in electrical demand, coupled with the current operation of significantly less efficient plants, it is expected that REC will displace existing electrical generation from older, less efficient, and higher emitting sources in the PJM electrical grid shortly after coming online, continuing the trend seen between 2005 and 2017. It is our understanding that the state has seen a drop of 50 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions during this time frame, further confirming the importance and key role of natural gas. REC’s operations will be a positive factor in this regard and can be expected to actually help to improve the air quality as PA continues to shift more generation away from these older and higher emitting sources.
*The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection reviewed the REC air quality permit plan for almost two years, and subsequently approved the permit with the plan approval. We trust that the DEP professionals properly reviewed all laws applicable to building power plants, with a focus on protecting citizens and the environment.
*REC is committed to cleaning up and repurposing a long-standing vacant, brownfield site with existing groundwater and soil contamination.
*In conjunction with the power plant, REC will conduct restoration projects at two local streams – Kettle Creek Restoration Project and the Brewery Run Wetland Enhancement Project.
*With a total installed cost of approximately $750 million per unit, REC will not only provide electricity for the regional grid but will also be an economic engine for Renovo and Clinton County. REC will provide positive local impacts including expanding Renovo’s tax base, and generating revenue for local contractors/businesses, service providers, hotels and restaurants. REC will contribute millions of dollars to the local economy during construction and operation.
*The project will be subject to property taxes from the three local taxing authorities (Renovo Borough, Clinton County and the Keystone Central School District) during both its construction and operation. The project was eligible for a tax abatement program, but REC has committed to pay its full share of all such taxes.
*REC held two open houses to educate the local community on the pros and cons of locating the power plant in the Industrial Park and on what to expect before, during and after construction. Each such meeting was announced by an informative newsletter inviting all borough residents to attend, with presentations by the development team and the construction contractor at each event. The PA DEP also participated in the second open house, presenting the results of the air permit application and approval process, and answering any questions in this regard. The borough of Renovo was well represented by its elected officials and community members, and by all accounts both events reflected strong community support for the project. Additional such meetings will be conducted prior to the start of construction. REC also formed a focus group of 14 individuals to hear and address any concerns or questions. REC is also committed to provide funding in support of several borough initiatives.
We believe that REC has done its due diligence on this project for the last six years, and DEP professionals conducted a thorough air quality permit review and final approval process. This project has been very transparent from the beginning and REC has been communicating with key stakeholders, such as Renovo Borough and local, county and state officials, from day one. We look forward to the day when construction begins on this important project.
Clinton County Economic Partnership, President Mike Flanagan
Renovo Borough, Mayor Tommy Tarantella and Council President Ann Tarantella
Renovo Community Trade Association, President Ernie Peterson
Clinton County Commissioners Miles Kessinger, Jeff Snyder, Angela Harding
State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz
State Sen. Cris Dush