County has dollars remaining in cash grant program for small businesses.

LOCK HAVEN, PA – If you’re a small business outside Lock Haven and lost money during the pandemic, Clinton County government may be able to help.
County board chairman Miles Kessinger announced at Thursday’s commissioners meeting that the county has extended until June 11 the filing deadline for businesses which may be eligible for $5,000 grants to offset COVID-19 losses. Additionally, Kessinger said, the county is making it easier for small businesses to apply. He said some have had difficulty grappling with the online application process, so paper forms are available in the county planning office. Also county grants administrator Kari Kepler will be available to provide assistance in the pavilion at the Piper Building on Tuesday, June 8, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Kessinger said $81,000 remains in the CDBG-CV cash grant program for distribution. As described by the county, the purpose is to promote re-hiring, retaining existing jobs, and further stabilizing local businesses of all types in Clinton County. Kessinger noted the program is for businesses outside the City of Lock Haven, as the city has its own program.
The grants are funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support local businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
All businesses with fewer than 100 employees and less than $1 million in annual gross revenue may apply. If you have already been awarded CDBG Covid-Relief funds, or relief funds from any other source, you may still be eligible for the grant if your total losses are higher than the funding received. The online link:…/d92b3bb4-023d-439f-ab25…
The Thursday commissioners meeting was the first with public attendance allowed; it was held in the outdoor pavilion at the Piper Building. It was streamed on the county’s Facebook page.