County receives multiple requests for state liquid fuel funds, but dollars are down

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Nine Clinton County municipalities are seeking a share of state liquid fuel funds for highway projects and Clinton Count government has to decide how to dole them out. The problem, according to information at the commissioners’ work session Monday, is the requests far outweigh the dollars available.

According to county chief clerk Jann Meyers, the nine boroughs and townships are seeking more than $430,000 but the state has provided the county less than $80,000 to allocate. She said the state dollars, derived from a state gas tax, are down due to less driving during the pandemic.

Requests to be reviewed from the commissioners:

Allison Township, $100,000 towards widening the Glen Road…

Bald Eagle Township, $50,000 for Munro Road improvements…

Crawford Township, $68,252 for additional work on the Pine-Loganton road…

Dunnstable Township, $60,000 to $80,000 for Plum RunRoad…

Flemington Borough, $1,830 towards a S. Hillview Street project…

Greene Township, $50,000 for paving work on E. Valley Road…

Lamar Township, $70,000 towards a Rag Valley Road bridge project (possibly from the county’s bridge fund)…

Logan Township, $31,000 for work on three roads…

Loganton Borough, $6,000 for street work.

Board chairman Miles Kessinger said the commissioners will review the request; it was noted, “We don’t have a whole lot of money.”


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