County ready for next Tuesday’s Primary Election

LOCK HAVEN, PA – “Get out and vote on Election Day,” said Clinton County Commissioner Miles Kessinger at the conclusion of a four minute meeting of the county’s election board on Thursday.

The county commissioners, in their capacity as the election board, approved several matters relating to the Tuesday, May 18 municipal primary.

Maria Boileau, the county’s director of voter registration, presented several matters for election board approval. These included the appointment of 56 poll workers to assist in 27 different county voting precincts; appointment of the election return board to begin the formal canvass of votes at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 21; and appointment of the election pre-canvass board to begin its work at 8 a.m. on election day.

Boileau said that the county received 1,471 requests for mail-in or absentee ballots and so far 781 of them have been returned. She noted that requests for mail-in ballots was down significantly from the more than 5,000 mail-in votes processed last November, a presidential election year.

The final tally of certified county voters eligible for next Tuesday, according to the county voting registar: 11,808 Republicans, 7,317 Democrats, 2,654 others, 121 Libertarians and 29 Green Party for a total of 21,929 registered voters.

Because of a handful of state constitutional amendment questions on the ballot, all registered voters, not just Republicans and Democrats, may vote next Tuesday.


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