UPMC phasing out Dunnstown Clinic

LOCK HAVEN, PA – With the proliferation of more vaccination sites across the county, Clinton County officlals reported Thursday that UPMC is phasing out its Dunnstown Fire Hall COVID vaccination clinic.

Andrew Kremser, the county director of emergency services said at the county commissioners meeting that the weekly Dunnstown site is now providing second doses only and no new appointments are being taken for first dose shots. He said receiving a vaccination is much easier now across the county.

County commissioner Angela Harding provided this statistical update: 96 new COVID cases across the county in the last 10 days; 9,630 county residents now fully vaccinated and another 2,800 with their first shot, for a total of some 12,400 or 32 percent of the county population. She again encouraged county residents to talk to their physician, family and friends and consider getting vaccinated.

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