More words of praise for late Clinton County leader, educator William Eisemann

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County government officials on Thursday joined in the praise for the late William Eisemann, the former educator and elected official who passed away late last month at the age of 96.

Commissioner Jeff Snyder acknowledged Eisemann’s adult life of service, beginning as a young man in the Navy during World War II. Snyder said, “First and foremost he was a teacher…a privilege for the students who had him.” The commissioner described him as “a good friend, a mentor and a great listener” with “a kind word and a gentle smile.” Board chairman Miles Kessinger noted that Eisemann was finishing his term as a county commissioner when Kessinger first came on the county board in 1991. Kessinger said he was “the new kid on the block” and said the late Mr. Eisemann “tried to guide me in the right direction.”

County planning director Katie de Silva offered a personal experience from the classroom, as Eisemann was a longtime science teacher at Lock Haven High School. de Silva said she was “scared to take physics” her senior year but said she loved the class and described Eisemann as a “brilliant teacher.” She talked of the lessons she learned in his classroom and how beneficial they were to her development.

Lock Haven City Council had offered a similar tribute at their meeting earlier this week.

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