Outside walk-up window to treasurer’s office installed at county’s Piper Building

Clinton County Treasurer, Michelle Kunes poses beside the newly installed walk-up window.

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County residents now have the option of bypassing security at the Piper Building by using a walk-up window to access the Clinton County Treasurer’s Office.

Residents can pay taxes, purchase licenses, and handle any other business needed through the window. The window was purchased with CARES funding in an effort to give the community access without entering the building. The new walk up offers a slide out service drawer, and intercom system, and a shelf that customers can use to fill out paperwork.

“We hope the community takes advantage of the window” said Michelle Kunes, Clinton County Treasurer. “It should eliminate the hassle of going through security at the Piper Building and make access for our handicap residents easier.” This area of the building patio does house two security cameras. ”We are gearing up for one of our busiest times of the year and having the window will also prevent multiple customers gathering in our office and offer them outdoor space to social distance” said Kunes.

Deputy Treasurer, Kristy Serafini on the inside of the newly installed walk-up window at the Clinton County Treasurer’s Office.

The window is located on the Lock Haven side of the Piper Building and at the top of the ramp near the handicap parking area on E. Bald Eagle Street. The window is ready for use and residents are welcome to use it during normal business hours; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

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