Halloween Hooskow Time in Clinton County

MACKEYVILLE, PA – Chainsaw carvers from across the U.S. and Canada converged on the Clinton County Fairgrounds this past weekend for the Hooskow Chainsaw Carvers’ Event. The 7th annual gathering was in a new location this year, moving from McElhattan to Mackeyville to allow the event room to grow.
The carvers responded, with some 50 on hand – the largest participation to date. In addition to being able to watch carvers at work creating pieces they then offered for sale, festival goers got to see timed carving contests and browse through a section of the fairgrounds where food and beverage stands as well as various craft vendors had set up for the weekend. An auction of select pieces from each carver also drew a crowd to wrap up the event Saturday afternoon.
The Hooskow Chainsaw Carvers’ Festival is organized and sponsored by carver Jeff Donoughe of Jeff Donoughe Chainsaw Carving; Saar’s Tree Service, LLC; Restless Oaks Restaurant; and PAMP Printing. The festival will return to the Clinton County Fairgrounds next year, again on Halloween weekend, Oct. 28-30, 2021.