Two More COVID-19 Cases Reported by Keystone Central

BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP, PA – The Keystone Central School District has now seen five reported COVID-19 cases in the last 10 days. Two more cases were announced Monday through an online posting and release to the news media. One them was a Saturday notification of a staff member at Robb Elementary School in Lock Haven. Monday came word of a student at the district’s Career and Technical Center at its Central Mountain High School complex.

In her post, superintendent Jacquelyn Martin retired that schools will stay open “as long as we can do so safely” but parents should be prepared for possible school closures with little advance warning.” The district last Friday reported a second case at Central Mountain High School and an initial case at Central Mountain Middle School, all involving students.

The superintendent’s Monday message to the district families and staff:

Dear KCSD Families and Staff,

The COVID-19 Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard was modified on Friday after my last letter, therefore I wanted to share updated information with you. The incident rate per 100,000 people for the most recent 7-day period (October 16-22, 2020) displays the following results:

❏ Clinton County – 38.8 – Moderate

❏ Centre County – 125.3 – Substantial

❏ Potter County – 24.1 – Moderate

On Saturday we received notification that a staff member at Robb Elementary has tested positive for COVID-19. Deep cleaning and sanitization was done over the weekend along with contact tracing. All staff members and families of children who were considered “contacts” were informed over the weekend and are quarantining out of precaution. We are continuing to keep our schools open and using remote learning options where necessary.

This morning we have been notified of another positive case of COVID-19 regarding a student who attends our Career and Technical Center. Contact tracing was completed immediately. We know that this case also impacts a few staff members, as well as students from Central Mountain High School and Bucktail High School. All contacts are quarantining out of precaution and using remote learning options. Additional cleaning measures are being implemented in affected areas.

We have been in direct contact with the PA Department of Health for all cases and continue to follow all guidance that they provide to us. Please continue to be diligent about wearing masks, remaining physically distant, washing your hands and avoiding large gatherings.

Our schools will remain open as long as we can do so safely but you should be prepared for any possible school closures that could occur with little notice. Please work collaboratively with the teachers and principals to foster active learning for all of our students.

The district has been conducting classes both in-person and remotely since the start of the school year in early September.

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