Keystone Central School Board to Honor Elderly Veteran with Diploma

Pictured above Eugene Bennett with his late wife Julia.

BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP – Eugene Bennett, Jr. was called to serve his country in 1945. He was 17 years old and a senior at Lock Haven High School. Fortunately, World War II was coming to an end and after traveling from Flemington to Harrisburg to enlist and prepare for war, Mr. Bennett was sent home. Upon his return, he did not return to school. In 1952, Bennett was called upon again to serve his country, this time in Korea. Eugene served in the 622nd Engineering Aviation Maintenance Company. During his time in the service and at his discharge, Private Bennett earned the Korean Service Desk Medal, Good Conduct Medal, and the United Nations Service Medal. After his tour in Korea, Eugene earned his GED.


“Not earning his diploma is something that bothers him to this day” said Jennifer Hagaman, Veterans Service Officer for the Clinton County Department of Veterans Affairs.

At the Keystone Central school board meeting this Thursday, Eugene Bennett, Jr. will fulfill his goal of obtaining his high school diploma, at the age of 91. Superintendent Jacquelyn Martin will preside over the ceremony and Mr. Bennett’s son, Eugene will present his father with his Central Mountain diploma.

Hagaman and VA Director, Bill Bechdel put the program into motion. “Operation Recognition” was a combined effort by the VA office and school board member, Roger Elling. Both Bechdel and Hagaman lauded the school board and Mr. Elling for helping get the program initiated. “This is a statewide program and we are very happy that KCSD is participating and opening the door for veterans to receive their high school diplomas” said Bechdel.

The community is invited to attend the ceremony, Thursday, June 13. The ceremony will take place shortly after the start of the regularly scheduled school board work session at 6 p.m. at the Central Mountain High School Auditorium.

According to Bechdel, any veteran can apply to receive their diploma. Both local and outside the area; if a veteran did not receive their diploma due to serving the country and they should have graduated from any school in Clinton County, they can apply. Applications are available through KCSD Administration by contacting the Superintendent’s office by calling 570.893.4900 extension 2325. Any questions about the program can be directed to the Clinton County Veterans Affairs office at 570.893.4339.

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