Presidential Qualifications

let-edIn Reference Down River’s article printed September 29, 2016:

Your qualifications for the highest office of the land are totally appropriate. It’s just that the individuals running for that office are as different as day and night. And, stability, judgment, intelligence and the understanding of issues’ indeed are paramount. But. As voters, the MSM media will never inform, you (the voting public) of the facts surrounding each candidate and they’re qualifications, as stated above. They (the media), are totally in the tank for the candidate that has been investigated for scandals for as long as they have been in the political arena. And if being exonerated on grounds of no confirmed proof of guilt is an example of stability, then put that in their plus column.

Is judgment, as far as what is taking place in the Middle East, an asset? If so, then the policies and results are a plus in the judgment column of one of the nominees for president, too.

If, intelligence means the ignorance of use of a computer or cell phone, and how to send and receive messages (classified) is normal, then one of the two candidates is surely qualified. And last but not least if understanding of issues is the knowledge that refugees entering our nation, un-vetted and with no intention of assimilating into our society, with the possibility of doing great harm to America in the name of radical Islam is okay then 550% more of them brought in to our nation is justified, and, is an issue understood.

Where as the other candidate, though not ‘politically correct,’ un-polished as a  political speaker, but, spot-on as to where we are headed as a nation if we continue down this path, and says so in terms Joe-Six-Pack thinks and understands, this candidate has the hearts and soul of America. Stability, judgment, intelligence and understanding of the issues is what will ‘Make America Great Again’. And if you don’t know what candidate has these qualifications, call me.

Paul Johnson

Breesport, NY

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