Thank-you from the Poleto Family

let-edTo The Editor:

I would like to say Thank You to some of the most wonderful people God has brought into our lives.  Jay Hritzko, Mindy Ruth, Brianna Jarrett, Amanda Rossell Edwards, Amanda Darrin Eisenhower.  Once again you pulled off a great bash in Andrea’s memory.  It’s not just a one day thing, you put months of time and energy into it to make it a success.

Thanks to the bands, Fire-Ton, Last Man Standing and Quarterstick for sharing with us your great talent.  Tony Pentz, another year for another beautifully designed T Shirt.

Thank you to those who donated some of the best and most beautiful items to be raffled off.  Thanks Deb for allowing us to invade for the day.  To those I’ve missed, for the great food thank you.  To those who came, the ones who have donated so that more people can be helped, it could not have been a success without you.

The balloons were the highlight of the evening as thought of and sent our love to Andrea.

The past two years we have helped twenty nine people and their families and because of this event we will be able to help more people in the coming year.

Thank you so much,

The Poleto’s

Terry, Donna, Shane

Leah Ann, Morgan and Ryder

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