Friends of Kettle Creek Serving Up Breakfast for Hunters

Make your plans for great hunting seasons’ breakfasts. The all-volunteer Kettle Creek Hose Company #1 will be having their annual bear and deer season breakfasts. Serving starts at 8 AM at the KCHC # 1 firehall in Cross Fork for your large ‘made to order’ breakfast.

Sat., Nov. 21 and Sun., Nov. 22 for bear season. 8 AM each day.

Sat., Nov. 28 and Sun., Nov. 29 for deer season. 8 AM each day.

Give your ‘cook’ some time off and let our dedicated firefighters & friends do the work.

FYI – Your Kettle Creek all-volunteer emergency services, fire and ambulance, receive no tax dollars from Federal taxes, State taxes, County taxes or local tax collection. They must raise their own money for usual expenses of fuel, equipment and other necessities. Everyone who is involved spends countless volunteer hours for the protection of our community. The 911 charge on your phone bill goes to the phone company for their service, not to local emergency services.

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