Kettle Creek Watershed Receives Grant


BLAIRSVILLE – The Dominion Foundation has awarded grants to local watershed associations in the amount of $5100.00 at an awards ceremony held April 6 in Blairsville.

Pictured above left to right are the recipients: Frank Weeks, Upper Allegheny Watershed Assn $1200.00 for Promotion and Outreach. Darrell Davis, Genesee Headwaters Watershed Assn $1000.00 for Outreach and Operating Expenses. Jim Toth, Kettle Creek Watershed Assn $2000.00 for Kettle Creek Habitat Repair Project. Tanya Meyer, Bucktail Watershed Assn $900.00 for Driftwood Branch Riparian Health Project and Newsletter.

These funds were provided by the Dominion Foundation and administered by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy under the Dominion/WPC Mini-Grant Program. This program offers funding to watershed organizations in central and western Pennsylvania for general operating expenses, organizational promotion and outreach, and restoration projects. The Dominion Foundation is dedicated to the economic, physical and social health of the communities served by Dominion companies. The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s core mission is conserving Pennsylvania’s diverse ecosystems through science-based strategy, leadership and collaboration. Go to for Kettle Creek Watershed information.

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