Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

During the week, I try to remember some things that happen that might inspire me to write a positive column and share some good news!

Last week at school, our students were so excited about getting their first report card of the year and especially the middle school kids were wondering if they made honor roll!! I can remember those days when we were in school, but as I was thinking about that, I wondered what kind of report card we would get for our spiritual life.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if God could send us some kind of hint as to whether we are doing enough praying, or how we are doing in reading the Bible, or how often we share our faith with those around us? We can all be very hard on ourselves at times as we think we are failing at walking that Christian walk, especially when there is so much to distract us or tempt us in the world.

There are times when someone says something that makes us feel like we are doing what God wants us to do.

For instance, when we see someone that we have prayed for and they tell us that our prayers are working because they received good news from the doctor. Or maybe we hear a thank you from a coworker or friend for doing a kind deed. John Wesley is famous for his quote about doing all the good you can, in all the ways you can, and that is important, but it it matters that we have the love of Jesus in our hearts as we go about helping others.

As we believe that Jesus died for us and ask for forgiveness, we need to be a reflection of God as we live.
And one day, we will receive that report card in Heaven, as we hear Jesus say to us, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

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