Optimist’s Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
Wow!! What a wonderful weekend we had in our community!! The weather on Saturday for our parade and vendor fair was perfect, the Queen contestants and escorts had a fabulous time and in spite of just a few people having to cancel, it turned out to be a well- rounded time for all!!
October is such a special month, not only in our community, but also in our churches. We celebrate World Communion Sunday where churches around the globe gather to celebrate the greatest gift of salvation offered to us through Jesus sacrificing His life for us!!
It is also a month when we celebrate Pastor Appreciation month!! It is a time when we can let our ministers know that we are grateful for their teaching, their guidance, and their ways that they teach us through scriptures and the way that they reflect the life of Jesus in their Christian walk.
I know people have said, jokingly, that pastors only work one day a week but so many pastors, preachers, priests, ministers (or whatever your church calls your leader) do so much more than preach a sermon on Sundays. As they fill the pulpits each week, they are touching a lot of hearts through the Holy Spirit.
As I think about the many ministers and Sunday School teachers that I have learned from since I was a little girl, I thank God for how they have guided me and inspired me in my spiritual journey up to this point. I can still remember standing by my mother in the Shintown Methodist Church and wondering if I should be a minister some day.
Take time to pray for our pastors and mostly for more young people to go into ministry. And don’t forget to thank your pastor or someone in your life who has taught you about love of Jesus.