Scarecrows needed by Friends of Downtown Lock Haven to make city look “fall-bulous”

By Christopher Miller

LOCK HAVEN – Downtown Lock Haven, Inc. wants your decorated scarecrows to beautify East Main Street.

In an effort to bring some Fall harvest flair to the downtown area, Downtown Lock Haven, Inc. Manager Melissa Dally is calling on all Friends of Downtown Lock Haven members or sponsors to decorate and submit their scarecrow for placement along East Main Street starting on September 22 and going forward through November 1.

To become a Friend of Downtown Lock Haven simply join the Friends by becoming a member, becoming a sponsor, or volunteering your time.

“Friends of Downtown have a sense of pride in our community and want to see it flourish. Friends of Downtown include members, sponsors, supporters, volunteers, shoppers, diners, residents, and those who want to advance our community. Learn about the many ways you can become a Friend of Downtown!”

“Let’s Make Downtown Lock Haven Look Fall-bulous”

Downtown Lock Haven would love for your participation in the first annual “Scarecrows on Display in Downtown Lock Haven”! All businesses, groups, organizations, and friends of DLH are encouraged to decorate their scarecrow that will be displayed and hung on the lampposts lining East Main Street from September 22, 2024 through November 1, 2024. This is part one in our initiative of “Let’s Make Downtown Look Fall-bulous”! It is a fun way to get in the spirit of the season and will help to serve as an attraction to local community members and visitors to our area because of the aesthetic appeal.General Guidelines:

  • Contest open to all Friends of Downtown Lock Haven. What is a friend? A friend is a business, individual or organization that supports DLH through membership and/or sponsorship.
    • Downtown Lock Haven Businesses
    • Individual Members of Downtown Lock Haven
    • Keystone Central School District Clubs and/or Sports Teams
    • Commonwealth University – Lock Haven Clubs and/or Sports Teams
  • Scarecrows must be made/secured to the 4×2 foot cross beam frame provided by DLH. Creating the scarecrow is done offsite but the completed display must be delivered to the Downtown Lock Haven Office NO LATER THAN 2:00 p.m. on Friday, September 20, 2024.
  • Scarecrows will be hung and secured to the lampposts on Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. by Downtown Lock Haven, Inc. and CU-LH Men’s Football Team so they are on display for the Homecoming Parade on Thursday, September 26, 2024.
  • If you are unable to complete your scarecrow for any reason, please let the Manager of Downtown Lock Haven know so that the designated space can be filled.
  • Do not alter the frame (they will be reused annually) that is provided to hang the scarecrow on but you may attach items to the frame with staple gun, glue guns, removable tape, zip ties, etc. Just please be sure that it will not permanently damage the frame.
  • Downtown Lock Haven, Inc. and the City of Lock Haven is NOT responsible for the scarecrow throughout the event. There is a chance the scarecrow could be damaged or stolen. DLH and the City of LH cannot be held responsible for any or all objects on your display.
  • All entries will be displayed September 22, 2024 – November 1, 2024. All entries will be hung the weekend of September 20-22, 2024 so they will be on display for the Homecoming Parade and the Halloween Parade.
  • Scarecrows will be removed from the lampposts after November 1, 2024 – 3, 2024 and must be picked up at the Downtown Lock Haven Office by Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Scarecrows can be picked up at the DLH office Mon-Wed between 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Important Dates

  • September 1st – September 19th: This is the time you have to independently create your scarecrow.
  • Friday, September 20th: Scarecrows must be delivered to the DLH office for hanging NO LATER than 2:00 p.m. on this date to ensure they are hung.
  • Sunday, September 22nd: DLH and the Men’s Football Team at CU-LH will hang the scarecrows at 9:30 a.m.
  • November 1st-3rd: Scarecrows will be removed by DLH and committee members and taken to the DLH office.
  • November 4th-6th: Scarecrows must be picked up at the DLH office between 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. Any scarecrows NOT picked up by November 6th will be disposed of.

Theme/Signage and Design/Display

  • Display may reflect a special theme and/or promote your business, school, club or sport but nothing reflecting controversial social, religious or political opinions/statements.
  • The design is up to you. Be creative, have fun and keep it FALL-bulous!
  • All entries will be assigned a location based on layout created by DLH and committee members. Businesses with lamppost in front will get closest to their shop.
  • Scarecrows reflecting controversial, social, religious or political opinions/statements will NOT be accepted. The committee reserves the right to not display any scarecrow that deems offensive, inappropriate or does not adhere to the guidelines.
  • All scarecrows will be secured to the lampposts with zip ties. Please keep in mind the scarecrows should be constructed for durability. We do not want your hard work blowing around or wilting after a rainstorm.
  • You may use chicken wire, corn husks and stalks, straw, rubber foam and other lasting products that will hold their shape after repeated wind and rain. All accessories must be securely attached to the scarecrow/frame.
  • Please make sure accessories do not extend in such a way as to be hazardous to pedestrians or parked cars.
  • Keep in mind the display cannot be too heavy as it will need to be hung with zip ties to the light poles downtown. No items such as tiki torches or gas-powered generators allowed.
  • The display may have lights but must be solar charged lights only.
After becoming a Friend of Downtown Lock Haven fill out the entry form here to enter your scarecrow!
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