September is National Emergency Preparedness Month

September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. The purpose is to remind everyone that emergency situations do occur. Being prepared for these emergencies can save lives and decrease damage to properties. At Bucktail Medical Center, we want to remind you of some essential steps you can take to be prepared for an emergency at any given time. These types of emergencies include floods, tornadoes, other extreme weather events, cyber incidents, or public health emergencies.

Below are a few actions that you can take to prepare you and your family for disasters:
•Identify safe places in your home for each type of disaster
•Know how to turn off water, gas, and electricity
•Identify escape routes in the home
•Teach children how to contact 911
•Be sure that everyone has a contact list for family, friends, etc.
•Store important family records in a water and fireproof safe
•Have a form of communication for emergency news alerts
•Create an emergency box with the following items:
-Water- have a gallon per day per person
-Food- non-perishable food
-Can opener
-Extra medications
-Personal care items
-First aid kit
-Important documents

With flooding being common in our area, we want to remind everyone how to prepare and remain safe during these times. Some important things to remember in the chance that flooding does occur:
•Ensure you have means of communication to emergency news alerts.
•Check on elderly neighbors
Have an evacuation plan that everyone in the household understands.
•Stock up on supplies like food, water, medications, and medical devices.
•DO NOT travel through flood waters
•Evacuate immediately if told to do so
•Go to the highest level of a building if trapped
•Return home, only when cleared by authorities
•Don’t drive on damaged roads

Your friends are Bucktail Medical Center remind you that you can sign up for CodeRed emergency alerts to receive timely notifications on severe weather or other emergency alerts here:
1. Visit the CodeRed registration page:
2. Enter your contact information
3. Customize your alert preferences to receive notifications by phone, email, or text
4. Sign up via text at 99411, keyword “Clintoncountypa”



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