Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

When the Lord Jesus told his disciples not to do their alms just to be seen by others, what did he mean by alms? Alms are good works. Alms are righteous acts. Alms are charitable deeds.

The doing of alms is the way we show our religion outwardly to others. Jesus said that when we do them to impress men and not God, we get no reward. (Matthew 6:1)

Whatever we do, we are to do it for the glory of God. We do our alms so that others will see them and glorify our Father. (5:16)

Consider the letters of this word: A.L.M. A little more. Do a little more for the Lord. Be a little more for the Lord. Let the Lord get more and more of the glory.

A retired business executive was once asked the secret of his success. He replied that it could be summed up in three words. And what were those three words?

The business man had discovered at an early age that most of the differences between average people and top people could be explained by those three. The top people did what was expected of them – “and then some.”

He described them in this way: They were thoughtful of others, they were considerate and kind- and then some. They were good friends to their friends – and then some. They could be counted on in an emergency – and then some.”

And that is the way the grace of God is. He not only gives grace, he gives more grace. He gives to us the grace we need – “and then some.”



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