Optimist’s Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
A pastor was once deep into preparation for a sermon when his little daughter came, where he was working and asked him, “ Daddy, can we play?” He answered, “I’m awfully sorry sweetheart, but I am right in the middle of preparing this sermon. In about an hour I can play.” She said, “OK, When you’re finished, daddy, I am going to give you a great big hug”. He said, “ Thank you very much”. She went to the door, but then she did a U-turn, and came back and gave him an enormous, bone breaking hug. Her dad said to her, “ Darling, you said you were going to give me a hug after I finished”. Her big eyes looked up and deep into his, and she answered, “ Daddy, I just wanted you to know what you have to look forward to!”
Well, as Christmas is quickly approaching, we all do have something to look forward to. During this advent season, we can receive the gift of his Holy Spirit that can help us prepare the way of the Lord.
In the gospel of Mark we can read about John the Baptist as he proclaimed to people,
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord”!
When John began his ministry, he lived in the desert and fed on honey and wild locusts and dressed in garments of camel hair. Even though he was so different, and probably intimidating to some, he attracted many people who heard him speak. He was telling them, and us as well , that this one who is to be coming Is the long awaited Messiah. John words probably meant more than he could ever realize.
This is the heart of Advent and Christmas. We are making preparations to get ready to meet Jesus when He returns, and that is what we have to look forward to.