Words of Grace
By Rev. Mahlon Nevel
The Lord’s Prayer, as it is called, begins in Matthew 6:9. Jesus taught his twelve disciples to pray according to this pattern.
God is concerned about our needs. In fact, our Father knows what things we have need of before we even ask him. (V.8)
This was prophesied in the Old Testament: “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).
Yes, the Lord knows what we need. We find in Acts 10:38 that Jesus “went about doing good and healing” during his ministry on earth.
He often asked those that he healed what they needed. He knew, but he wanted them to tell him.
That is what prayer is. We come to the Lord with a need and we ask him to meet that need. The Lord is always there when we need him.
I remember the sad words of a love song from years ago: “You left me just when I’ needed you most.”
Compare those words with the words of a gospel hymn written by William C. Poole.
“Just when I need him, Jesus is near, Just when I falter, just when I fear; Ready to help me, ready to cheer, Just when I need him most.”
Remember, the Lord knows what you need before you ask.