The Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, it tells us, “Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up.”

Teamwork is all around us in our lifetime. It is in families, in churches, in sports, in businesses, and even in communities. No matter what we are doing, or where we belong, it is important that we all work together. We all usually have that same goal to achieve.

In Christianity, there is one body, but every part has its own function. We are all blessed by God with different abilities. Some are leaders, some are helpers, some are givers, some are prayer partners, some are teachers, and so on.

Some may have more faith in others, but in the Christian world, our main goal is to serve God, and how we can build up His kingdom.

Recently, we all know that our hospital, the Bucktail Medical Center, is struggling to stay open, and many wonderful people have been helping by donating, not only funds, but their time and talents to help save our “ little hospital with a big heart”.

This past weekend, the Chapman Township fire company joined in with the staff of BMC to hold a fundraiser, and it was a great success. The reason for that success was the way everyone worked together to provide a night of entertainment for a good cause. That’s called teamwork, as we all were working together for the same goal. Many kind people and businesses donated prize money, community members donated beautiful baskets to be chanced off and over 100 people came to play Bingo.

It makes us feel good when we care, when we give, and when we all work together. There have been a lot of good comments about this particular project.

Helen Keller once said that, “ Alone we can do so little, together, we can do so much”. It took everyone’s time and effort to make this work! Our small town is amazing and in Psalm 133:1, we read, “ How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity”.
We all can say Amen to that!!

Thanks to each and everyone who joined together to help!!



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