Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

A pastor was on vacation. Being away from the church he pastored on a Sunday, he visited another church.
The worship leader began the service by asking the congregation, “How do you all feel this morning?” When the service was over, again he was asked how he felt.

This pastor, commenting on his experience, wondered about how important our feelings are to the Lord. Jesus our Savior is also our Great High Priest. (Hebrews 4:14)

We have a high priest who is touched with our feelings. (V.15) He gives us his mercy and grace. to help us in our time of need. (V.16)

The story is told about a man who was attending revival services at a church. He came to talk to the evangelist and said to him:

“I was filled with joy in the meeting last night, but now it is all gone. I don’t know what to do! It is as dark as night to me right now.”

“I am so glad to hear that”, the preacher replied.

The man looked at him with astonishment and asked, “What you mean by that?” He was given this answer:

“Yesterday God gave you joy, and today He sees you are resting on your emotions instead of Christ and He has taken them away, in order to turn you to Christ. You have lost your joy, but have Christ none the less.”

Then he told him that it was like passing through a railroad tunnel. After a while you come out of the darkness and into the light again.

“I am out now,” the man exclaimed. “It is all right, feelings or no feelings.”



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