Optimist Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

It won’t be long until those big yellow school buses will be seen on our roads again. Our teachers will be decorating their classrooms and getting ready to greet their students! The maintenance people and custodians have been busy all summer cleaning the schools to prepare for another year of touching the lives of children.

Even though the kids have been out of school for the summer, hopefully they have still been learning something. I have always held on to the belief that we never stop learning. Especially when it comes to the Bible. No matter how many times we read scripture, we can always learn something from the passages we read.

Even though we don’t have to go to school, there is a sense in which God doesn’t want us to ever think our “school days” are over because He’s got so much more to teach us through the people that He puts in our lives to learn from.

In the book of James, chapter 3, God says, “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom. Wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure: then, peace-loving, considerate, and submissive.”

I read something from Ron Hutchcraft, where he said that no matter who we meet, we can learn something from them. I would like to share a quote from him where he says that “Many of the most important teachers you’ll ever have in your life, are not the ones you’ll necessarily meet in a classroom,( and he adds that they are so important). It will be the people God brings into your every day life with something He knows you need to know.

Many of us do have school teachers that we remember through the years as we were growing up that taught us so much about life. We can always thank a teacher are how they impact countless lives.

At this time of year, I always like to ask people to pray for our schools, our teachers, our parents, and every other person in the school system that impacts lives. It takes everyone working together to help every student be successful in school. Say a special prayer for God to keep our children safe this year, here and around the world.



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