Optimist Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

As I was watching the hang gliders this weekend, I thought about what it must be like to parachute from a plane. As I read some things about a parachute, I learned that people who put on a parachute are trusting the person who packed it. There are people who train to be parachute packers. After much training, they take a test to become a parachute packer. Once they pass the test, each parachute that he or she packs has a tag attached to it with their name on it.

Can you imagine looking at a tag on your parachute and seeing the name God on it? That certainly would make a person feel secure!! And that’s the security that we have as Christians!! Some days may feel like we have a lot of free falls and maybe we don’t know what is going to happen or how we are going to survive. But our parachute is packed with the love and care of our loving Savior! All we have to do is pull that rip cord and be caught by God’s parachute that will bring us down to safety.

In Psalm 9:10, we read these words, “Those who know your name trust you because you have not abandoned any who seek you, Lord”.

So those of us who calling the Lord in faith have that safety net that they can always trust. It doesn’t mean God will prevent bad things from happening to us because he doesn’t promise us a life without troubles, but He does promise us that He will walk beside us and give us strength to get through our bad times.
If we just believe, we will always have a parachute with God‘s name on the tag.

These past couple weeks have been a little tough, and our prayers are so needed. Please continue to trust that God is hearing our prayers for the people in Buffalo and Texas.



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