Optimist Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
Countless people throughout history have shared the story of Jesus to many. In the book of Acts chapter 17, we can read that the apostle Paul is in the city of Thessalonica in the synagogue, preaching about Jesus. Many people were brought to faith in Christ through Paul’s missionary work. This message of Jesus was the same as it would be wherever else he traveled, like the words that can be found in I Corinthians 2:2;“For I am determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”
He is telling the people that Christ had to suffer, die and rise again from the dead.
Then, he wanted to make sure they understood so he said, “ this Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ“.
Noticed that Paul said, “This Jesus”! That is because in Paul’s day, the name Jesus was a common one. But Paul was telling about “this Jesus”who suffered and died on the cross and it was “this Jesus” that died for us and rose again. And just like today, Paul reminds us that some were persuaded and some were not.
We all know “this Jesus” who was a great teacher; with teachings coming from a great heart, a great spirit, and a great mind. He taught us all to “love one another”, and that “whatsoever you want others to do to you, do to them”.
“This Jesus” has redeemed some pretty rough people by his death and life, like a thief on a cross, a tax collector named Zaccheus, the demon- possessed, Mary Magdalene, murderers, prostitutes, and even sinners like us!
When we see the cross of “this Jesus” we know we have beheld the world’s greatest
love. This Jesus wrote the story of redemption on a rugged cross on a hill far away.
Many of us growing up learned the song “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Until we go through whatever trials in this life that come our way, it is then that we truly realize that Jesus loves us. God reaches out to us in many ways to speak to each person and to remind us of how much He loved us by sacrificing His Son, Jesus. This Jesus is all the good you can know about through His peace, hope, unconditional love, forgiveness, faithfulness, and kindness.