County Commissioner Harding offers support for transgender youth; opposition to House Bill 972

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County Commissioner Angela Harding has offered her support for transgender youth in the community and at same time called the recently proposed state House Bill 972 “undermining and damaging” to that segment of the population.

Harding expressed her views in a statement at Thursday’s meeting of the county commissioners. It came three days after state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R-Clinton/Centre) was one of five GOP state House members to promote the measure in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg.

Commissioner Harding’s LGBTQ support statement:

Recently, House Bill 972 was introduced on the house floor. The bill seeks to ensure athletic fairness in Pennsylvania by allowing only biologically born females to compete in women’s sports.

Biological sex and gender identity are two different things. Over the course of time, they have been used interchangeably as the same thing. While our bodies may say one thing, there are instances where our brains say something different. And that is OK.

Currently, the PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association) has a policy in place – approved in 2014 – 7 years ago – that allow for mixed gender sports. In keeping in line with Title 9, girls may participate in traditional boy sports and boys may participate in traditional girls’ sports if the sport is not offered for their sex. Each school in the PIAA has the authority to determine if the student athlete would have an unfair advantage and if so….they, the school, may deny the request.

Right now- right here in Clinton County – we have young females competing in Little League, flag football, clay shooting, and a plethora of other traditionally male competitions. Not to mention, the young females competing in the sport of wrestling. These young ladies are thriving, they are winning and they are learning the lessons of sports – hard work, focus, and resilience. Currently, we have boys who are participating in dance, cheer and probably other activities that are traditionally female…I am just not aware of them. My point is…the pendulum does not swing one way.

LGBTQ is not new. Gender identity has been around since the creation of mankind.
House Bill 972 is undermining and damaging to the transgender youth in our community. It perpetuates the idea that respect and opportunity should only be available to certain types of children. This ideology solves nothing. Our children deserve better and the families of trans and LGBTQ deserve better. Legislation like this gives the nod for discrimination, bullying, and targeting. It closes a door on a segment of the human population of young adults who deserve to be understood. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in children 10-18. Many if not most childhood suicides are linked to bullying and targeting.

I realize that societal shift and human evolution can be very difficult things. And possibly a shock to our belief systems. But I truly believe that our creator, your creator would expect us – as adults, as leaders – to protect our children, foster healthy growth, and listen.

In a world, a state, and a county facing pandemics and disease, poverty, food insecurity, an opioid crisis, employment shortfalls – the list goes on and on – our focus should be on respecting all human beings that are trying to find their way. This life is hard enough; it is not our job to make it harder.

As the first female commissioner of Clinton County, I obviously care and strive for women’s advancement and equity in our society. But just as important to me are our children. Children that will become productive members of our society and hopefully more tolerant, accepting, and kind. Just because we may not understand something does not mean that we close a door on it.

I support our LGBTQ youth and their families in Clinton County and across the commonwealth. And I would ask you to do the same.

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