Barnyard Buddies 4-H Club Explores Various Topics at Monthly Meeting

LAMAR – Barnyard Buddies 4-H Club learned about a variety of topics during presentations last night at their monthly meeting.

They were educated in Pokémon from Austin’s colorful display, Kaleb talked about dirt bikes and safety, Ethan and Aurora enlightened us on King Penguins. Evan shared his amazing, handcrafted rifle project, and Damie & Brynn had everyone play Livestock Jeopardy in teams.

Barnyard Buddies is the largest community 4-H club in Clinton County with 46 members. Most members carry a livestock project, but there are many members that also carry various other projects on their own such as sewing, gardening, collectables and leadership skills.

The members and leader Dominique Miller also do a variety of community service activities throughout the year in Clinton County. The meetings are run by Club officers, Maggie Parks President, Vice President Adelaide Miller, Secretary Griffin Kerstetter and Treasurer Brady Fickes and are held at the Clinton County Extension /Conservation District Learning Center in Lamar on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7p.m.

For more information please visit

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