Optimist’s Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” These words have been credited to Albert Einstein, and he is one who encountered obstacles in his life, but accomplished much.
In the gospel of Mark chapter 4:35-41, We can read the story of Jesus, calming the storm, and that was one of his miracles that he performed during his earthly lifetime that has something for all of us to apply to our lives today.
We can read about Jesus’s miracles all through the scriptures. In this particular passage, Jesus says, “ Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” The disciples had been frightened by that storm, while on the boat, and their faith had faltered. They were afraid for their lives, and thought Jesus didn’t care.
We all have been through storms in our lives. I’m sure, and we’d be foolish to say that we are not afraid at times, and that our faith does not falter. Whatever difficulties we encounter, we have two options. We can worry about whatever and figure Jesus doesn’t care, or we can resist that fear or worry and put our trust in Him.
Every day, there’s something that we might encounter that causes us to worry or have fear. When we feel that fear or worry, that’s when we need to confess to God, our need for Him to calm us, and then trust Him to care for us.
This fear that the disciples had was a way for Jesus to come to them, and to show them He cared. He did perform a miracle that day as He calmed the storm.
As a Christian, if we have Jesus, we know we can have miracles. Jesus needs to be part of our lives, because without Him, turmoils in life are so much more difficult to face those who don’t know our Lord are those who have no hope. He gives us the hope to overcome storms.