New Jersey company buys main Woolrich mill building

WOOLRICH, PA – The Record has learned that a New Jersey holding company has taken title to the empty Woolrich Woolen main manufacturing building on Mill Street in the village of Woolrich.

A deed for sale was recorded in the Clinton County Courthouse earlier this week, the purchaser listed as Crown Mill Holdings LLC, reported based out of Bayonne, NJ, the purchase price $1.15 million. No additional information on the new owner or plans for the former woolen manufacturing plant was immediately available.

The mill is about 430,000 square feet and sits on some 10 acres. One source told The Record the purchase also includes the site’s office building and a nearby house.

The mill building has been sitting empty for five years. The Woolrich Store shut down earlier this summer and sources say may be placed on the market in the near future.

Contacted about the sale, Mike Flanagan, President/CEO of the Clinton County Economic Partnership, indicated he was hopeful something positive may result from the sale, “I believe this is good news that the mill was sold since the large building has set empty for almost five years after Woolrich announced it was shutting down. We are hopeful to find out more information and hope any project can bring some jobs to the once vibrant building.”

The mill seller was listed on the deed at Woolrich, Inc. a Pennsylvania corporation. The founding Rich family has not been involved in the business in some years, the most recent ownership based in Europe.

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