Letter to the Editor

March 2

We are approaching the nine year mark when representatives of what is now known as Renovo Energy Center first visited our county and inquired about locating a power plant on the former Pennsylvania Railyards site in Renovo.

The site was chosen because of the availability to extract water from the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, the relatively nearby location of gas lines that could be tapped into, and the fact that two major power grids (PJM and New York ISO) cross in that general area. With the awarding of needed permits from the state Department of Environmental Protection, it appeared the project was on its way to being constructed.

However, almost two years ago, three environmental groups decided to appeal the permit. These groups are the Clean Air Council (based in Philadelphia), Penn Future (with five offices listed on its website and the closest office being about a 2.5-hour drive to Renovo), and something called the Center for Biological Diversity (whose attorney in this matter lists an address of Boulder, Colorado).

While we know it is the right of anyone to file legal action, we wonder how many representatives of these groups have actually ever been to Renovo. Do they know that since the railroad left, the town has struggled to get consistent employers at the former 80-acre railyard site? Do they know that the power plant project is much needed from many angles, including benefitting the borough, county and the Keystone Central School District? Do they know this could be the last best chance for major economic development for the borough? Do they know the plant will provide needed power for up to one million homes?

While some people may say it’s only 25 permanent jobs, there will be workers constantly at the site to assist in any needed area. And that’s not to mention the 500-plus construction workers who will be in and out to build the facility over a two-and-a-half-year timeframe, providing an economic boon for hotels, restaurants, etc. in the Renovo/Lock Haven areas.

The Partnership, Renovo Borough Council and Mayor Gene Bruno, Renovo Community Trade Association, Clinton County Commissioners, State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz and State Sen. Cris Dush all support the project. We hope the appeal process before the PA environmental hearing board moves forward as fast as possible, so we can all get a final word on this project.

The irony of the environmental groups’ action is that the proposed power plant site is a contaminated one, brought forth by decades of work by the railroad. We have a company that has pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars to clean it up at their expense (no taxpayer money involved). The environmental groups should be applauding this.

If for some reason the project does not come to fruition, we ask the environmental groups and the very small handful of Renovo area residents against this project a simple question – what’s your plan?

Mike Flanagan
Clinton County
Economic Partnership

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