Letter to the Editor

Register and vote


This year’s elections are crucial. Democracy itself is on the ballot.

Pennsylvania tops the list for consequential races. You can register and vote in Pennsylvania if you attend college here, no matter where your family lives.

There are elections for Governor, U.S. Senate, and PA State Representative – and the Democratic and Republican candidates could not be more different!

Democratic candidates are committed to preserving our rights and adhering to the U.S. Constitution. This includes Josh Shapiro for Governor, John Fetterman for Senate, and Democratic State Representatives.

MAGA Republicans seek to make Pennsylvania a Christian state where voters have no say and human rights are in jeopardy. Their candidate for Governor, Doug Mastriano, is particularly dangerous. Mastriano has promised that, as governor, he will use executive power to overturn election outcomes he doesn’t like—and Republican candidates for State Representative are equally committed to doing just that. Together, they will ban abortion, outlaw LGBTQ+ rights and deny gender-affirming medical care. They will make Christianity the foundation for government policy. They will harm the country by continuing to insist that climate change is fake science.
If you care about these issues — and who doesn’t?— vote for Democrats.

Act now to ensure your vote counts. You must register to vote by October 24. Election Day is November 8th. To vote by mail, apply by November 1st, and return your ballot before Election Day. For more information, visit vote.pa.gov.

Nicole Ramsey
Birdsboro, PA

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