Letter to the Editor

Save Social Security

Seniors, could you do without your monthly social security check?

Young people, are you paying into Social Security Insurance for your future retirement?

The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt August 14, 1935. Social Security is not an entitlement! Workers pay into Social Security over their entire working lives. It’s an insurance policy for working people! It is not a give away or entitlement.

On April 26th, 2022, Senator Ron Johnson, (R-Wis) suggested that Social Security and Medicare be eliminated as federal entitlement programs, and instead become programs approved by Congress on a yearly basis as discretionary spending.

If Social Security is treated as discretionary spending on a yearly basis, how secure will your monthly Social Security check be?

Oz said he wants to expand Medicare Advantage plans – privatizing Medicare. What about Social Security? Oz says he will oppose cuts to critical programs like Social Security, adding he wants to find ways to strengthen the program. Do you trust Oz to protect your Social Security monthly check?

Vote for Fetterman to save Social Security and Medicare.

Joan Heller
Beech Creek, PA


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