Letter to the Editor

Mastriano Would Force Government Mandate

Government has no business restricting citizens’ freedom to make private medical decisions. Doug Mastriano, a state senator, opposes abortion under all circumstances. He stated explicitly, in a primary debate, that if elected governor, he supported a ban on abortion from “conception, “ adding, “I don’t give way for exceptions, either,” referring to exceptions for cases of rape, incest, or a medical emergency in which a mother’s life is at risk.

Pennsylvania voters care about a lot of issues—the economy, education, climate change—but Mastriano’s radical stance put those issues on the backburner for a lot of Pennsylvanians who don’t want government interfering with women’s health and women’s lives.

We as citizens want government taking care of our roads, public safety, public transportation and education—and addressing the rising cost of living due to Covid, supply chain issues and climate change. Don’t let politicians take away the freedom to make your personal health care decisions.

Doug Mastriano would force everyone in Pennsylvania to agree with his extreme views on women’s health, perhaps including HB 1095, proposed legislation that would impose a mandatory life sentence for “Homicide of an Unborn Child.”

Mind your own business, Doug Mastriano. Voters in Kansas spoke loud and clear: they will not tolerate extreme bans on abortion—and neither will Pennsylvanians. If you readers agree, preserve our reproductive freedoms by voting for Democratic candidates in November.

Lauri Schaitkin
Lock Haven, PA



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