Letter to the Editor

September 15, 2022

A letter to the editor published here in the September 1, 2022 claims to present knowledge of several shortcomings and arguments against PA Senatorial candidate John Fetterman while providing no information on the background or proposed policies of his opponent, Mehmet Oz. Histrionically-presented “facts” about Fetterman receiving money from his father and what Universal healthcare and $15.00 minimum wage “would” do are merely irrelevant red herrings, haphazardly thrown into the debate.

Also, after demonizing African Americans in her July 22 letter about coming to PA to “have their babies killed”, she is suddenly an advocate for Black people by feigning outrage that Fetterman pointed a gun at a Black man.

Attacking Fetterman for tweeting, “disarm the police”, she is forgetting the endless attacks on law enforcement now via repetition by Republicans to “Defund or kill the FBI” and outright threats of and attempts at violence for daring to investigate the illegal behavior of their “Dear Leader.

Meanwhile, can anyone tell me Dr. Oz’s platform, what policies he favors or which needs of everyday people he has pledged to work for? Apparently, like the rest of the Republican Party, which has no platform except endlessly re-litigating an election from two years ago and promoting culture war grievances, he has none.

William E. Conti
Honolulu, HI



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