Letter to the Editor

July 21, 2022


Is it just me or does anyone else think that the timing of reopening the Wade vs. Roe case is more about winning an election for Democrats than it is about women’s rights? The same people who are worried about women’s rights are putting men in women’s restrooms, and men in women’s sports. Democrats seem to be confused with gender.

When Biden’s pick for Supreme Court nominee, Judge Jackson was asked to define what a women was, she couldn’t because she was not a Biologist. How can Democrats begin to understand about women’s rights when they can’t even define what a woman is.

As I look at the reasons that people give for having an abortion, the number one reason is to not be a single parent. I think we have all heard the old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There is nothing wrong with birth control or abstinence. If you are mature enough to have sex, then you should be mature enough to use birth control. If it is the cost of birth control that you are worried about, birth control is a few dollars a month. On the other hand, an abortion ranges anywhere between $500 and $1500 in PA (that price was found online). Birth control is cheaper, safer, and more human for both mother and child.

Wade vs. Roe was 49 years ago and should have been left alone. The Democrats used covid and “2000 Mules” to steal the 2020 election. Now Democrats plan to put Wade vs Roe in front of everyone’s mind so that we forget about the rising cost of EVERYTHING, the uptick in mass shootings, and Democrats insisting that legal guns be stripped from law abiding citizens.

What Democrats are not telling you is that Governor Wolf (D) has vetoed three bills restricting abortions, that Governor Wolf signed an executive order allowing “women and pregnant people,” Wolf’s words not mine, to come to PA from other states to have their babies killed. Once again Governor Wolf (D) is acting like a dictator.

Democrats claim to love Black and Hispanic people. Has anyone noticed that most abortion clinics are in predominate Black and Hispanic neighborhoods?

Guttmacher Institute put out a study in 2017 that shows that Blacks are the number one candidate for an abortion, and Hispanic being the number two candidate for abortion.

In November let’s remember who the Democrats are, and what they stand for. Then go out and vote RED.

Dawn Moyer
Mill Hall, PA



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