Miss Bucktail, Nicole Embick, representative at Laurel Festival next week

Miss Bucktail Nicole Embick

WELLSBORO, PA – Miss Nicole Marie Embick is representing Bucktail Area High School and her community as a Pennsylvania State Laurel Queen candidate. A weeklong event in Wellsboro, the festival will culminate with queen-related activities on Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18, followed by a union church service on Sunday, June 19.

Nicole is the daughter of Tracy and Jeff Embick of Chapman Township, near North Bend.

All four years of high school, Miss Embick was on honor roll (9th and 10th grades) and high honor roll (11th and 12th grades); was a varsity cheerleader; a member of the girls’ basketball team (junior varsity and varsity), student council and Environmental Club; and studied dance.

She was treasurer of four organizations: student council, Varsity Club and National Honor Society in the 11th and 12th grades and the Environmental Club in 12th grade.

In 10th through 12th grades, Miss Embick was the softball team manager and an Interact Club member in 10th and 11th grades.

She volunteered at blood drives, the Comfort Closet, and for Flaming Foliage Committee fundraisers.

In the 9th, 10th and 11th grades, Miss Embick worked as a server at the Sportman’s Restaurant in Renovo and in 11th and 12th grade at Hyner Park as a lifeguard.

She did a senior internship at Top Outdoor Products in Renovo learning how to make turkey calls and how to run a small business.

Miss Embick enjoys playing sports, hunting, fishing, baking, listening to music, and spending time with her friends and family.

This fall, she plans to attend the Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing and become a registered nurse.


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