Flashback will open Summer Concert Series

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Flashback, a versatile local band that plays a wide variety of rock music from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s plus the blues, will be kicking off the 2022 Summer Concert Series this Friday, June 3 at Triangle Park. Flashback covers a range of artists, from the Beatles to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers to various 60’s garage bands to B.B. King and other blues artists.
Members are Mitch Cohen (drums), Brad Gibson (guitar), Steve Hauser (bass), Dean Hoffman (guitar) and Mike Yohe (guitar). They reside locally in Jersey Shore, Avis, McElhattan and Mackeyville. The members of Flashback have played in various area bands since the 1960’s including The Vibrations, Wheat, Rajah, American Standard, Prophet, The Henry-Tressler Band, Texas Twister, Teacher’s Pet, Eventide and several others. Playing live music and doing their part to keep it alive and well in Central PA is an avocation and a passion for all of them.
The City of Lock Haven says, “Grab your chairs and head on down to Triangle Park for the first concert of the summer!”
The 2022 City of Lock Haven’s Summer Concert Series is sponsored by Bear Country Radio WQBR, Lock Haven Express, The Record, Clinton County, Clinton County Arts Council, Clinton County Community Foundation, Clinton County Economic Partnership & Visitor’s Bureau, Avis Building Supply, Bechdel Plumbing & HVAC, Brigandi, Gleghorn, & Haffley LLC, Cara Montarsi State Farm Insurance, Dotterer Equipment Inc., First Quality, Fraternal Order of the Eagles Aerie #4298, Hear the Birds Hearing Center, Horizon Federal Credit Union, Jersey Shore State Bank, Kauffman’s Store, Mid-Atlantic Marketing Group, Miller’s Furniture, Muncy Bank & Trust Company, Pizza City, Ridgecrest Home Sales, Susquehanna Transit, SWC Realty, and UPMC Lock Haven.
Schedules are available at the concerts while supplies last. To learn more about the 2022 Summer Concert Series, check the City of Lock Haven’s website at www.lockhavenpa.gov. The public is invited to attend this free summer concert. Seating will not be provided; therefore, the public is asked to bring a lawn chair. The rain location for the Friday evening summer concerts is The Elks Club located at 219 East Main Street in Lock Haven.