Letter to the Editor

May 19, 2022


I understand from an article appearing in The Record that I am the sole opponent of the Renovo power plant. However, the group in the minority is not the opposition to the power plant but the small group of local investors with a stake in the power plant! And the opposition continues to grow daily, both in numbers and vocalization!

I have read thousands of pages of documents, records, reports, and e-mails. I have condensed them into two short, easy to understand books. I present the facts that the pro power plant has suppressed. The investors are still making promises of jobs but now their number has been reduced from at one time several hundred, to then, 35 new jobs and as of May 5th, 2022, 25 new jobs, and the truth is even less!

The new component in the investors bag of tricks is a resolution. This is a tactic to attract new money to the project., so it’s clear they still do not have the money to build the plant and with half of their customer base lost, they are in a quandary. Renovo Borough Council is on the record saying that they never “voted” on the power plant and yet they have now formed a resolution of support. This is nothing more than a slick political maneuver and Renovo residents know it is only theatre.

I wrote compelling compositions, vetted all information and invited interested parties to engage in actual discussion.

They instead choose rhetoric and lip service over factual matters. We have accumulated hundreds of signatures on our petitions. I have personally interviewed over one hundred people. These residents and their objection to the power plant are being nullified by the pro power plant group through intimidation and misleading information campaigns. We have erected ‘No power plant signs’ and they are removed from private properties.

We have first-hand eyewitnesses who saw our signs in the back of the Renovo Borough dump truck and being emptied into a dumpster! These individuals will stop at nothing and say anything in order to bring the power plant to fruition (sic). But it is NOT being proposed for the creation of new jobs or the betterment of the residents in Renovo. In fact, few of the investors actually live in Renovo!

It is true that I ran for a seat on Renovo Borough Council. I ran a clean campaign and when I learned I had not won, I called Patti Rauch and offered her my heartfelt congratulations. But my actions are always suspect and come under general suspicion. Residents for a Healthy Renovo welcome all power plant opponents to raise their voices and let their concerns be known.

Do not let a few investors and their dreams of easy money drive you into silence. I know you see their smear campaign against me and it may cause you to be frightened to speak up. But as the hundreds of you begin to speak the truth and demand a better future for your loved ones, you will find your voice. You will not be easily silenced and your voices will resound in the mountains, over the river and through the valleys!

Maureen Ruhl
Renovo, PA



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