Letter to the Editor

May 19, 2022 Health Concerns of The Renovo Power Plant


The controversial energy power plant proposed for construction on Renovo’s already toxic brownfield, would add dangerous emissions to the area, despite the rosy promises of clean jobs and clean air made by its developer Renovo Energy Center LLC.

This facility would emit air pollutants known to harm humans and the environment. According to the Clean Air Council, these include an ANNUAL output of more than 200 tons of particulate matter, approximately 54 tons of sulfur dioxides, over 300 tons of nitrogen oxides and over 100 tons of volatile organic compounds, including formaldehyde.

Vulnerable Renovo citizens, especially children and the elderly–many who can’t always afford ongoing medical care–will suffer the most from chronic health issues and potentially early mortality.

The Renovo plant would depend directly on fracked gas as its feed stock. In our region we’ve seen how giant natural gas corporations love to seduce rural, low income residents, who are eager for prosperity, with promises of long term jobs and opportunities to get rich. They also promised minimal impact to the environment (“You’ll never even know we were here!” assured gas company salespeople cajoling landowners to sell their mineral rights).

I live on a major throughway for natural gas traffic, and for 12 years I’ve endured round-the-clock noise (even through closed windows), noxious fumes and the destruction of the nearby once-pristine forest where I used to hike and camp. This isn’t what I wish for my Renovo brothers and sisters. I can count on one hand the number of people who have obtained lasting jobs in this industry, but I’ve lost count of the adults and children I know who have developed asthma or whose asthma has worsened since fossil fuel interests invaded the Pennsylvania Wilds.

It would be interesting to know the rates of cancer and other diseases among people living near these sites, but the industry forbids doctors from revealing which chemicals accelerated or caused their patients’ diseases!
Would the Renovo plant be shrouded in similar secrecy?

Pam LaRose
Lock Haven, PA



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