Band Booster Confusion – Clarification

(Editors’s Note: ‘therecord-online” is posting a letter to the editor received overnight from a former Central Mountain color guard member, the letter in response to a Wednesday meeting between officials of the Keystone Central School District and representatives of some longtime non-district sponsored programs at Central Mountain High School. District Superintendent Kelly Hastings was asked to respond. Additionally she commented on the decision of the “Central Mountain Band Boosters” who Thursday morning removed their equipment from the concession stand at Malinak Stadium where a final home football game is scheduled for Friday night.)

let-edTo The Editor:

Hello, My name is Jeffery Forshey. I am a graduate from Central Mountain High Schools class of 2010. During my time in high school, I was a member of the color guard program. This is where I met most of my friends as well and learned the majority of my athleticism. This program taught me how to be a true sportsman. I am sad however to announce that on Oct. 29th, the Keystone Central School District forced our local band booster and competitive indoor program to close, forcing over 65 students to resign from the competitive season this year.

In 2006 my team won the TIA All Chapter Championship’s National A Class gold medal. I was well taught by my staff and instructors. They provided me the skills needed to move forward and achieve great things in this sport. Due to their hard work and determination, I was grateful enough to go on after graduation to perform with the Penn State University Marching Blue Band, as well as coach and design for the Penn State Eclipse Winter Guard. During my time coaching at Penn State my team won three medals. I contribute all of this success to the Central Mountain Indoor Program. It was there where I earned my roots, skills, and character that I hold so dearly today.

I am very disappointed in the decisions of the School District in shutting down this program, and feel bad for the students who are losing the opportunity to fulfill their goals and dreams, as I was able to. I think it is important we bring to the attention of the public the tremendous consequence this will have on our students. I regret ever honoring my local high school with my accomplishments. The way they acted tonight towards our organization and booster parents was irreparable and disgusting. They were uncivilized and disgraceful. This is not how I expect a public system of education to present itself, and feel that they have made a horrible mistake in mistreating their students.

Thanks you,
Jeffery Forshey,
Central Mountain Class of 2010

KCSD Superintendent Kelly Hastings’ response:

1.  The district does not have the authority to “shut down” this program as the program is not sponsored by the district.

2.  The new regulations under Title IX require the board to approve all booster/PTO groups…we must also have access to all financial records, and individuals working with students must provide clearances.  Those groups will be on the agenda for the first time ever, because of the changes in the law, in November.

3.  The Central Mountain High School Band Booster Group indicated on their federal tax form that their primary purpose was to support the Central Mountain Band…but this is not the case as the primary support of the group goes to the programs that are not sponsored by or affiliated with the actual CMHS Band.

4.  Both the Financial Auditor for the district and the District Solicitor indicated that we should not recommend approval of the band booster group since it did not really support the band…also, we do not have all clearance paperwork as is required.

5.  Our solicitor indicated to the group that they could no longer call themselves the Central Mountain High School Band Boosters…but once they established themselves as a separate entity and had the proper liability insurance, etc. we would be able to work with them to use our facilities…just like we do with so many other outside entities.

6.  It is unfortunate that the issue has gotten characterized the way it has as it is not personal…it is a legal issue for the district.

7.  There will be concessions available on Friday…any proceeds will go toward scholarships for CMHS students.

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