Letter to the Editor

March 31,2022

Will you vote in the primary election on May 17?

Will you vote in the 2024 primary election? I do hope that everyone shows up to vote. This year, unlike other years, is not a special election. For anyone who does not know, only Republicans and Democrats will be aloud to vote in this years primary.

If you are not registered by May 2nd to vote in the primary election. If are not register, please register as a Republican or Democrat. You would have to decide what party you agree with the most.

If you are an independent voter, please think about what party you usually vote for, then change your registration to reflect how you vote.

This year the Republicans have nine people running for Governor, nine people running for Lt. Governor, and several people are running for US Senate. The Republicans have a lot of good candidates running, we will need everyone’s help on May 17 to narrow it down to the best candidates.

There is a lot wrong with this country, and could be fixed, if we have the right leaders. Remember evil triumphs when good men and women do nothing.

Dawn Moyer
Mill Hall, PA



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