First Quality principal lauds employees for efforts during pandemic

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LOCK HAVEN, PA – Kambiz Damaghi, principal with family-owned First Quality Tissue, offered nothing but praise to company employees in a talk before Monday’s quarterly meeting of the Clinton County Economic Partnership membership.

Appearing by Zoom from the company’s Long Island headquarters, Damaghi detailed how First Quality, Clinton County’s largest employer, weathered the pandemic which took a mammoth toll across the world over the last two years. He said First Quality “went back to our roots and our principles…partnering together…stay together…work together.” He said he was “extremely impressed with how our team engaged and reacted” with the community and First Quality customers.

He said First Quality learned how to do more with less, noting that “we took care of our people” and said the company’s business “remains solid, strong, built on a strong foundation.”

Damaghi thanked the Clinton County community for its support over the years. The very first First Quality facility was placed in Wayne Township more than 30 years ago; he offered a “huge thank you to the community.”

After his presentation to the membership, he took questions and was asked the status of a possible fourth tissue manufacturing machine to be placed locally. First Quality had announced in July of 2020 plans for two new machines and local officials had been hopeful one of those would be situated in Castanea Township. In a brief update, Damaghi noted the sizeable infrastructure needed in such a project and said the current site, already housing three machines, is “almost landlocked.” He said First Quality is involved in a dialogue with the Army Corps of Engineers on the matter. The local site is within the Lock Haven flood protection system which remains answerable to the Army Corps. As for adding a fourth machine, he said, “It’s not as easy as it sounds.”

Also commenting was Keystone Central School District Superintendent Jacquelyn Martin who said the district is presently working with First Quality on an apprenticeship program.

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