7th annual Fishing Creek Streambank and Roadside Cleanup

MILL HALL, PA – Join CleanScapes and Lock Haven University students as they collect litter from land adjacent to one of the area’s most popular opening day trout fishing locations, Fishing Creek in Mill Hall. Teams of volunteers will be working on the streambank or on the roadsides adjacent to Routes 64 and 150 preparatory to the start of another fishing season.
“Trout stocking is planned for Friday March 25 and opening day is April 2. We know seeing litter has a very powerful effect on us all, especially children. Our kids need to walk out into nature and be uplifted, not to be brought down”, stated CleanScapes Board member Colleen Xethkais-Lacy.
The community cleanup is on Saturday, March 26 starting at 9:30 a.m. and will end by 12 noon. All registered volunteers will be provided donuts, gloves, bags, safety vests and refreshments. Long pants and boots are recommended. Youth between the ages of 12-17 must be accompanied by a participating adult. CleanScapes also is in need of one or two pickup truck drivers to haul filled trash bags to a roll-off dumpster.
Volunteers are requested to register for this event by 12 noon, Thursday March 24. Registration and questions contact CleanScapes Project Director Elisabeth Lynch at 570.726.3511 or clintoncountycleanscapes@yahoo.com. Event information is posted on www.cleanscapes-ncpa.com and www.facebook.com/CleanScapesNCPA.